Ugh, we've all been through a lot these past couple of weeks. I guess it's that whole mess that makes me want the company of my friends even more. I'm going to be honest, I miss the game. I miss Wayne and his adventures that he sets up for us. I miss Brett and his crazy evil ways. I miss Brandi and the jokes she makes. I miss Karen and her attempts to be evil (although I admit I wasn't any better than she was). Hell, I even miss Kiel.. and umm.. his Kielness. There is just something about all of us gathering at Brandi's playing the game and eating fried foods. I miss you all, I miss the game and I just wish that maybe one day we can get back to playing. All of us.
This is about Dorkness! This is about being the one true dork. This about a DM who has the same voice for every NPC. This is about players who threaten to throw giant D20's at people. This about us playing Dungeons and Dragons!