The woods are dark, And sometimes scary. Among the trees. There's something hairy. Lots of teeth, And dripping goo, Look out, look out, It's after YOU!
Running fast, It's getting closer Get out the way, You bloody poser! Dive for cover! Wait for me! Hang on a sec, It's just Stephanie!!!!!!!!!!!
What a fine week we had in the woods, Goblins running hither and yon, giant owls carrying off our party members. (I said "party members", not "party's members!) Ancient ruins full of very little and players who are determined to complicate things as much as possible. People, sometimes a wall is just a wall. The door might be around the corner, not some fantastically hidden contrivance designed to give even the most experienced of elves eye strain! And, yes, lets climb the outside of this very tall tower, instead of just walking up the stairs inside and cutting through the giant owls nest blocking the path! Wow, way to make life more difficult for yourselves. THAT'S MY JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favourite "quote" (paraphrased)
Brett "It's only a boar, you take care of it" Karen "I've got it" John "I'm dead, again"
You guys make my funny bone vibrate, only a boar, HA!
I have just one last thing to say, ladies, Dong Quai, it works, really.
Ok, What a suprise...I'm going to be the first one to attack the blog this week.
This week some interesting things happened...including some great quips from the great Brandini of Doom....including
Goblin: "It's Coming, It's coming" Brett: "Is It me?" Brandi: "Yes Brett, You were taking a really big shit"
Oh yeah Fun times. We all need to lay of the spazticness tho. I know 1/2 of us are female and we have our moments of...pissyness...but we all need to chill when the guys are involved and it's D&D tyme. Cause it's a sacred time of the week you know. So if we have madd outside issues let's leave em' outside. I know i've been bad with the dragging stuff up during game time too...but lets really try not to get all crazy anymore... okay?
This is about Dorkness! This is about being the one true dork. This about a DM who has the same voice for every NPC. This is about players who threaten to throw giant D20's at people. This about us playing Dungeons and Dragons!